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LCS launches "12 Days or Less" Attendance Campaign

12 Days or Less!

You're going to hear that slogan over and over this school year, because "12 Days or Less" is our attendance goal at Leeds City Schools. Leeds City Schools is launching a district wide campaign to bring awareness to the fact that missing school adds up. 


In the state of Alabama, a student is considered "chronically absent" if they miss 18 days in a school year. That's only 2 days a month! Our goal is to keep yearly absences at 12 Days or Less, this is both excused and unexcused absences. Chronic Absenteeism impacts our State Report Card grade as well. Our teachers and staff at LCS are working so hard to increase our academic growth and achievement numbers, but it's going to take all of us to fight Chronic Absenteeism.

Today, all LCS Students received a "12 Days or Less" wristband and a magnet for your fridge to kick off the campaign. The magnet has a tracker on it for your family to keep up with how many days of school you've missed. We have also sent home a flyer with more information for parents about the campaign and how you can get more involved. You can also check it out by clicking the link right here. (Spanish version click here)

Attendance Matters at LCS, we want your students at school! Roll Greenwave!