

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Bobby R. Byrd

Greetings and Welcome to Leeds Middle School.  I am Bobby R. Byrd, Sr., and I have the distinct honor and privilege to serve as the principal of LMS.  At LMS, we strive to promote Achievement, Respect, and Success.     

This is my 10th year to serve in this capacity.  Prior to coming to LMS, I spent 18 years in the St. Clair County School System; 9 as principal of Springville Elementary School; 4 as assistant principal of Springville Middle; and 5 as a teacher at Springville High School.  I also spent 10 years coaching football, baseball, and golf.

I have been married to my beautiful wife Ruby for 25 years.  We have two sons. BJ is a senior at the University of Alabama Birmingham, and Christopher is a freshman at UAB as well.  We also have one furry son, Jangles.


As Always Roll GreenWave!!!!