• Bus Sign-up
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  • After School Care(Coming July)
  • School Calendar
  • This information is for new students and kindergarten students.

    Do you have a child that will start Kindergarten in the 2024-2025 school year? 

    We look forward to meeting all of our new Kindergarten students, and we're excited to get everyone registered and ready for school to begin school in August.

    New Kindergarten students who follow the steps below will receive their “Future Greenie” yard sign once you complete the registration process! 

    Students who attended LPS for Pre-K will need to complete their Returning Student Powerschool Registration in order to receive their yard sign.

    The following steps are for students who are NEW TO LPS ONLY! Students who attended LPS for Pre-K should skip to the bottom for the returning student registration link.

    In order to register your child for kindergarten, follow these steps:  

    STEP 1 - 
    Set up a PowerSchool account and complete Online Registration for your student. Online Registration should be completed PRIOR to coming to the school to bring documents. If you need assistance, you can complete the registration when you come to the school.

    Click the appropriate link below to get started:

    English: https://secure.infosnap.com/family/gosnap.aspx?action=39713&culture=en

    Spanish: https://secure.infosnap.com/family/gosnap.aspx?action=39713&culture=es

    Enter all the required information to set up your account. The account is meant to be created by the guardian/parent.

    STEP 2
    In order to register your child for kindergarten, several documents are required.  Please bring the following items with you to the registration event:

    • Your Child (Our kindergarten team wants to meet and briefly speak with your child)
    • Parents or legal guardians must enroll the student. A photo ID is required.
    • Current, up-to-date Alabama Immunization Form for students
    • Birth Certificate for students.
    • Driver's License or Photo ID
    • Social Security Card (not required)
    • Previous School Withdrawal Paperwork
    • Custody Papers, if applicable. (If mother and father are listed on the birth certificate but not living in the same household, we need custody paperwork. The final/current order with the judge's signature must be submitted.)
    • Proof of Residence - All students are required to provide the following residence verification documents (must be in parent/legal guardian's name):
      • TWO current utility bills (disconnect notices are not allowed). Utility bills or receipts from the following are acceptable: Alabama Power, Leeds Water Works, Jefferson County Sewer, or Spire Gas. If your lease includes any of these items, please make sure to locate them within the lease.
      • Current lease agreement, (listing occupants must be listed, and it must have the address.) Mortgage Statement, or Property deed (parent/legal guardian must reside full-time at the residence)

    If you are living with someone else or cannot produce the required items, you will need to contact Leeds City Schools Board of Education and make an appointment with Ms. Ragan. All third-party residency applications will be handled at LCS BOE as well. Their phone number is 205-699-KIDS (5437) and they are located at 1517 Hurst Avenue. Please call to set up a registration appointment. If you have questions about any of the steps in the Kindergarten Registration process, please call our school at 205-702-2300.


    The proof of residency verification must be completed for initial registration AND again during our summer verification days in July. (Online)


    RETURNING STUDENTS - (STUDENTS WHO ATTENDED PRE-K IN 2023-24 AT LPS.) Please complete the following link:


    Once the registration has been completed, we will verify your information and then a yard sign will be sent home.

    You must also do residence verification in July as well. (More info on July 1st)

    Students who do not live in Leeds but attended Pre-K at LPS do not need to complete the registration process. You will need to seek out the school district in which your residence resides.